Study in Spain

Welcome to the vibrant and culturally rich Spain, where history, art, and world-class education converge. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll navigate the unique opportunities that studying in Spain offers. From foundation programs to medical studies and master’s degrees, SnappStudy is your trusted partner on this educational journey. Uncover the benefits of studying in English-taught universities, unravel the document and visa requirements, and embark on a transformative academic adventure.


An Overview

Spain’s education system is decentralized, with each of its 17 autonomous regions having control over its education policies and regulations. However, there are commonalities across the country, and the following provides an overview of the education system in Spain.

Education system

  1. Early Childhood Education (Educación Infantil):
    • Age Range: 0 to 6 years. Stages: 0 to 3 Years (Guarderías): Optional and private. 3 to 6 Years (Infantil or Educación Infantil): Mandatory and public or private.
  2. Primary Education (Educación Primaria):
    • Age Range: 6 to 12 years. Duration: Six years. Curriculum: Core subjects include Spanish, mathematics, science, social studies, physical education, and foreign languages. Regional languages may be included in the curriculum based on the autonomous community.
  3. Compulsory Secondary Education (Educación Secundaria Obligatoria – ESO):
    • Age Range: 12 to 16 years. Duration: Four years. Curriculum: Common curriculum across Spain. Additional subjects may include arts, technology, and a second foreign language. Evaluation: Continuous assessment with a final evaluation at the end of each academic year.
  4. Bachillerato: Age Range:
    • 16 to 18 years. Duration: Two years. Tracks: Science and Technology. Humanities and Social Sciences. Arts. Curriculum: Specialized subjects based on the chosen track. Preparation for university entrance exams (Selectividad).
  5. Vocational Education and Training (Formación Profesional):
    • Age Range: After ESO or Bachillerato. Duration: Varies (1 to 3 years). Levels: Basic Vocational Training (Formación Profesional Básica). Intermediate Vocational Education and Training (Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio). Higher Vocational Education and Training (Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior). Curriculum: Combines theoretical and practical training. Leads to professional qualifications.
  6. University Education:
    • Age Range: Typically 18 years and older. Types: Grado (Bachelor’s Degree): Duration of three to four years. ESO or Bachillerato is a prerequisite. Máster (Master’s Degree): Duration of one to two years. Requires a Grado or equivalent qualification. Doctorado (Doctorate/Ph.D.): Duration varies. Requires a master’s degree.
  7. Language of Instruction:
    • Spanish is the primary language of instruction. In regions with co-official languages (Catalan, Basque, Galician, etc.), some subjects may be taught in the regional language.
  8. Grading System: Scale:
    • 0 to 10, with 5 considered a passing grade. Evaluation: Continuous assessment, exams, and final projects.
  9. Quality Assurance:
    • Universities are subject to evaluation by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain (ANECA).
  10. Access to Higher Education:
    • University entrance exams (Selectividad or EvAU) are required for admission to university programs. Vocational education graduates can also access university programs.
  11. Private vs. Public Education:
    • Spain has both public and private schools at all levels. Public education is largely funded by the government, while private education involves tuition fees.
  12. Internationalization:
    • Many universities offer programs in English, attracting a growing number of international students. Spain actively participates in international student exchange programs. Spain’s education system reflects its cultural diversity and commitment to providing students with a broad and inclusive education. The emphasis on language, arts, and sciences prepares students for a wide range of academic and professional pursuits.


Cost of Studying and Living in Spain:

The cost of studying and living in Spain varies based on the type of program, level of education, and whether you choose a public or private institution. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the costs for both medical and non-medical programs in schools and universities:

Tuition Fees:

  • Public Universities:
    • Bachelor’s Degree: For EU/EEA students: Typically ranges from €750 to €2,500 per year. For non-EU/EEA students: Around €1,000 to €4,000 per year. Master’s Degree: For EU/EEA students: Generally between €1,000 and €3,000 per year. For non-EU/EEA students: Approximately €2,000 to €6,000 per year. Medical Programs: Costs are similar to those of master’s programs, varying based on the region and specific university.
  • Private Universities:
    • Bachelor’s Degree: Typically higher than public universities, ranging from €5,000 to €18,000 per year. Master’s Degree:Costs can vary widely, from €5,000 to €25,000 or more per year. Medical Programs: Private medical schools may have tuition fees ranging from €15,000 to €30,000 per year.

Cost of Living:

  • Accommodation: University Halls of Residence: €200 to €600 per month. Private Accommodation (Rent): €300 to €800 per month depending on the city and type of housing.
  • Food: Groceries: €150 to €300 per month. Eating Out: €10 to €30 per meal.
  • Transportation: Public Transport: €20 to €50 per month. Bicycle: Purchase cost varies, but it’s a cost-effective transportation option.
  • Utilities: €80 to €150 per month for electricity, heating, cooling, water, and garbage.
  • Health Insurance: Mandatory for all students. Approximately €50 to €150 per month, depending on coverage.
  • Books and Supplies: Approximately €300 to €500 per year, depending on the program.
  • Miscellaneous: €100 to €200 per month for entertainment, personal items, and unforeseen expenses.

Additional Expenses

  • Student Visa: Approximately €60 to €160, depending on the country of origin.
  • Residence Permit: Around €15 to €30.
  • Language Courses (if required): Costs vary, but budget for €500 to €1,000 for intensive language courses.
  • Social and Cultural Activities: Varies, but students often budget around €50 to €100 per month.

It’s important to note that living costs can vary significantly depending on the city, lifestyle, and personal choices. Additionally, EU/EEA citizens may have lower tuition fees at public universities compared to non-EU/EEA students. Students are encouraged to budget carefully, explore scholarship opportunities, and consider part-time employment where permitted to offset living expenses.

An Academic Haven

  • Education System Overview: Spain boasts a diverse and dynamic education system known for its cultural integration and academic excellence. Let’s explore the educational landscape from foundation to master’s level:
    • Foundation Programs: Prepare for bachelor’s studies. Enhance language skills and adapt to the Spanish academic environment.
    • Bachelor’s Degree: Varied three to four-year programs in arts, sciences, engineering, and more. Emphasis on practical skills and research.
    • Medical Programs: Renowned medical schools offering programs in English. Follow global medical education standards.
    • Master’s Degree: One to two-year programs with a focus on specialization. Blend of academic rigor and practical application.
  • English-Taught Programs: Spain, with its commitment to internationalization, offers a plethora of programs in English, making education accessible to a global audience.

Document Requirements

Document Requirements: Your Key to Admission

Embark on your academic journey with SnappStudy by understanding the essential documents required for successful enrollment:

  • General Document Requirements:
    1. Educational Certificates: Transcripts and certificates from previous academic institutions.
    2. Language Proficiency: Proof of English proficiency through tests like IELTS or TOEFL.
    3. Letters of Recommendation and Motivation: Compelling letters of recommendation and a well-articulated statement of purpose.
    4. Portfolio (for Art and Design Programs): Showcase your artistic or design work.

Visa Requirements

  1. Student Visa: Obtain a student visa from the Spanish embassy or consulate. Provide proof of acceptance from a Spanish educational institution.
  2. Health Insurance: Mandatory for all students and a prerequisite for obtaining a student visa.


  • Quality Education: Renowned Universities: Spanish universities are globally recognized.
    • Emphasis on research and critical thinking. Cultural Integration: Immerse yourself in Spanish culture and language. Connect with students from around the world.
  • Career Opportunities: Global Recognition: Spanish degrees hold international acclaim. Opportunities for internships and work placements. Thriving Industries: Access to industries like tourism, technology, and renewable energy.
  • Quality of Life: Rich Cultural Heritage: Explore historical landmarks and cultural festivities. Experience the warmth of Spanish hospitality. Language Advantage: Enhance your language skills with Spanish proficiency. Open doors to a bilingual professional world.
  • SnappStudy: Your Academic Companion in Spain: SnappStudy is not just an educational consultancy; it’s your dedicated guide on the path to academic success. Explore the unique features that make SnappStudy the ideal partner for your educational aspirations:
    1. Personalized Consultation: Receive tailored guidance to navigate the application process seamlessly.
    2. Program Selection Assistance: SnappStudy assists in choosing programs aligned with academic and career goals.
    3. Ongoing Support: Post-arrival assistance and support as you settle into life in Spain.
    4. Alumni Network: Connect with SnappStudy’s alumni network for mentorship and networking opportunities.

Foundation to Master's

Navigating Your Academic Pathway: Foundation to Master’s:

  • SnappStudy’s commitment to education extends from foundational programs to advanced studies. By providing a seamless pathway, SnappStudy ensures students receive continuous support throughout their educational journey in Spain.
  • Studying in Spain with SnappStudy is not just an academic pursuit; it’s an exploration of excellence, cultural richness, and a pathway to a global career. From reputable universities to a welcoming cultural environment, Spain offers a unique blend of opportunities for international students. Contact SnappStudy today to embark on your educational adventure and unlock the doors to academic excellence on the Iberian Peninsula. Your journey begins with SnappStudy – your key to a world-class education in Spain.


A Masters in Spain usually takes been one and two years.

As an international student, you can work up to 20 hours per week while you study, but there are some restrictions around making sure it doesn’t negatively affect your studies. Employers will need to apply to Spain’s Foreign Nationals Office for permission to hire you. Your contract can’t be longer than your student visa

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